Thursday, December 06, 2007
Robert Smith's Weather

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Big Shot

Peace be with you,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Stitches and stuff....

I don't know why I've not been blogging lately, shit just hasn't been that interesting lately I guess. But here is some stuff on my mind:
My stitches are out and everything on my arm is healing up fine, a bit dry, but fine. I think I might need ointment.
I'll be happy to have five days off for Thanksgiving and will eat a lot of food. I wish I were in Cancun with the Burritto Sisters, that sounds pretty nice.
I hope I don't catch a cold, because everyone seems to be sick. I hate it when people are sick. I don't want to be around them. I don't like coughing or sniffling.
Ummm, oh, the Bachelor was pretty funny last night, most dramatic rose ceremony ever. That dude turned out to be a real dick. But, those girls have to be pretty stupid to date a twin, creepy.
I miss the Pick Up Artist and wish that I were Canadian. I'm considering becoming a goth for the winter months, but the winter months don't seem to be coming, so I'm not sure now.
I want to see the new Cohen Bros. movie, Gio is reading, Mary J's album is coming out on December 18th, my windshield still needs replacing as does my right tail light, I don't like it when people eat ice, I dislike the store Kohl's, and I still hate cinammon.
I guess that about wraps it up....oh one last thing, my washer broke.
Have a good holiday if I can't think of anything intersting before then.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
How to Ask Aimers for an Autograph or Photo

1.Aimers is just a person. She has a real life and responsibilities; make sure your timing is appropriate for what you want. Fans are appreciated but keep in mind that no one wants to be ambushed exiting the lavatory stall or with a mouthful of dinner at a business meeting over at Johnny Carino's.
2. Understand that Aimers is used to people asking her for autographs. She takes it in stride, so don't be too nervous.
3. Approach Aimers, but don't get so close that it annoys her. Say "Hi," tell her your name, and give a light compliment. Do not gush - she doesn't enjoy it. Ask a question or two. Comment on whatever she's famous for.
4.Hold out a pen and paper, but don't stuff it into her hands. Ask for an autograph by saying "I'd love to have your autograph," or "May I take a picture with you?" Don't be shy. Be confident and smiley.
Hope this helps, and if I've EVER offended any of you my loyal and devoted fans, please know that I must've have been having a bad case of the Mondays.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Dave and Buster's

Friday, November 02, 2007
Vamp Le Stat

Monday, October 29, 2007

Finally, something exciting has happened. As I came into work this morning and opened the front door, I was bombarded by the huge flags you see in the picture. There are seven of them and they line the main thoroughfare of our building. No longer are you able to walk through without trying to avoid the flags, and even then, they touch the top of your head as you walk past. There is no explanation as to why the flags have been bolted to the wall, nor any discussion as to what is going on.
There is some speculation that this could have to do with PRIDE or a "Drive to /Fast Track to Success" campaign. I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Lady Comics

A comedian, or comic, is a performer who entertains an audience by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting the fool, as in slapstick, or employing prop comedy. A comedian who stands and addresses an audience directly is called a stand-up comedian.
I'm just sayin.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Is this thing on??

Let me start by saying I now know more than ever that we are very spoiled living in the U.S. I also know that it is pretty hard to keep your balance and not pee on your ankles while you teeter over a hole in the ground to piss. I saw lots of neat things and hope to get some pictures posted to one of those fancy websites where you can make a slideshow real soon.
In other news, Gio lost his first tooth....and I missed it. I was real bummed about that, but was able to make a call to the tooth fairy, via mobile phone, to let her know to wait to come bring him money in exchange for his very small German tooth.
Oh...and one more thing, everyone had really neat cell phone charms in Hong Kong.
Peace out bitches,
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Zai Jian

This will be Aimers last blog until Oct 8th or thereabouts. Heading out to Hong Kong with Shanghai Shirley tomorrow. I'm nervous and excited. I need everyone to keep me updated on who Bret Michaels will choose as his love mate on the Rock of Love, is it going to be Heather or Jes? Totally up in the air. Did I mention I was nervous?
Ok, see you next week.
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Chad's of the World

Some things Chad loves:
Linkin Park
Maroon 5
Fall Out Boy
The new 7 series BMW, sick.
Bringing sexy back
Wakeboarding/snowboarding/any sort of boarding
Girls who are cool to just kick it...and a bangin body doesn't hurt either!
A poor attitude
Anyone that wants to judge and not have a good time
Last call

It seems like only yesterday that I was quietly watching VHS tapes of Marcel in my bedroom, age 11, thinking of all the ways I would paint my face, "if only I could afford white and black pancake make-up from Sprouse Reitz", I always thought to myself. "If only mother and the rest of the world, would understand the importance of mime". Then one day my dreams all came true, I started working at Laugh's Unlimited, Tuesday, day shift, where I was able to practice mimery, while serving appetizers to the Capitol Crowd. I did this for three weeks straight, until I was asked to leave, apparently Laughs wasn't ready for the art of mime.
As you know, Fans of Aimers are fans of mimes....and so I leave you with these parting words from Mr. Marcel Marceau, Master of Mime.
"Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us all without words?"
~Marcel Marceau
I think a moment of silence would be appropriate.
God Bless, fans, Aimers.
Sheriff Lou Blanas

Trippin off Sherm...and other things.

Friday, September 21, 2007
Slow Your Roll
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
That's a WRAP people!!

Look people, I don't want to buy any of your kid's wrapping paper. If I have one more desperate parent enter my office with scads of paperwork and excel spreadsheets begging for money for Taylor and Brianna's school fundraiser, I'm going to fucking lose it. I've got my own fundraising to do, shit. By the time I buy all this wrapping paper, I'm not going to have money left to have anything to wrap...doesn't anyone get this? Also note: I will not buy cookies, magazines, chocolates, Candlelight, Pampered Chef, Avon, Mary Kay, or anything remotley like any one of these things.
Thanks in advance.
Ms. Aimee
Dr. Silverman's Office

I gotta go!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Just like Ronnie said.....

Whoa, i'm patiently awaiting the verdict in the case of Phil Spector. What a sorted story he's got going on here. A real Hollywood tragedy with all the right ingredients to make a made for television movie on Lifetime. I really don't know what to believe, but do know that Spector has some snazzy taste. His 27 year old wife is one lucky lady.
Lil' Aimers

As my birthday quickly approaches, I still feel like a child. Not yet ready to grow up and face the world, not yet ready to believe this is it, quick to play all day and dream. Bluebells and cockle shells.
Here is a poem my mom wrote to me as I approached my third birthday:
Aimee Bree almost three and what a big girl you have grown to be.
Blue eyes and blonde hair, in my mind you are always there.
Running and laughing in the sun, it always looks like you are having so much fun.
Eating peanut butter and watching TV, oh how I wish that I was almost three.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Raider Nation

Welp, I finally did it. I plunked down $250 and got my very own Raider's tattoo by Wild Bill on Sunday. I've been wanting to do this for so many years, and finally on Sunday, my brother says to me, he says, "hey, sis, let's get those Raiders tattoos we've been talking about since Jr. High, we'll get em' for PaPa"....so I says to him, I says, "OK", and three excrutiating hours later, voila. Just in time for Monday night football. Whose making the seven layer dip?
Aimers (wow, it even sounds kinda like raiders)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Crash Em' Up Derby

Hi there,
I found this little feller in Auburn last night. He was the consummate professional, announcer, for the crash em' up derby at the Auburn County Fair yesterday and what a job he did. Not only did he keep his cool, for over two hours by doing wide leg stances while announcing, he got the crowd excited by instigating a dueling shouting match from each side of the bleachers, you know...."ok EVERAY BODAY on that side I want you to say WATER.... and on this side I wanna hear you say TRUCK", and then as he'd cup his ear to one side, they'd scream "WATER!!!", and then he'd do that cutsey fake jog back to the other side with an ear cup and a motion of the arm to be really loud and the crowd would go wild "TRUCK!!!" and so on and so forth, total professional. I snapped this photo of him, when he was shooting the shit with the guy next to me, but as he saw me take it he came up, put his arm around Gio and gave a "shit eating grin" posing for another picture. God, it really doesn't get much better!!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Bush is a CROC!!

Ok, enough is enough. We all know that George W. is a total croc, but he's taken it to a whole new level, donning the infamous "Croc". Let's talk about this shoe for a second people. WTF is everyone thinking? I believe this trend started with line cooks and chefs, who would wear the comfy clog paired with a wild dancing chili pepper print chef pant. However, the CROC has now made its way to every Montessori school from here to Baltimore. While I don't see much harm in five year olds wearing the shoe (sideline: yes, my mom sent G home with a brown pair that I've been trying to ditch, total embarassement), what I can't understand is why their parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and teachers have also decided to act like its ok to wear this fucking rubber clog. And now....this...the "ruler" of the free world donning this godamn "shoe"??!! WTF? I say it again, This is not OK people. Stop the insanity!!
Thank you for your consideration!!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
First Day

Aimers is pleased to announce that G's first day of school went off without a hitch. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say about his day, but from what I could tell, he seemed content and looked pretty preppy in his school uniform. It's funny because I can remember 1st grade like it was yesterday. I had a best friend named Mary-Elizabeth, whatever with the hyphen and I also had a boyfriend named Michael Paul Adell, yeah, he went by all three names, maybe this was popular in 19 seventy whatever....at any rate I'm pretty sure that Michael Paul wouldn't date a girl these days. Nor would any of my "boyfriends" from grade K-10.
Well, hope all of you are enjoying first days of school too.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Happy Labor Day
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hi gang,
Just wanted to update you on the Fuji situation. It looks like my main funder has pulled from the deal and is M.I.A. While this is frustrating, I think that with a little help from WAMU we will stand to see substantial funding and therefore growth by the end of the first quarter of fiscal year '08.
I ask that you please keep your fingers crossed as this has been a very long journey and one that will hopefully be successful in the very near future. I am envisioning positivity and have added Fuji to my wish board, just like they told me to do on the Secret.
Thank you for your outpouring of support during this rocky time.
Fuji remains to be my top priority and I am focusing on keeping my eye on the prize.
Thanks all,
Jealous MUCH?

Aimers is like, OMG, wow, how typical Arnold is totally copying me, AGAIN!! Here he is nose to nose with a pig (per usual)at the California State Fair. Awfully coincidental that this picture comes out just hours after my llama drama blog. I don't even know what to say at this point. I guess it's like the ol' saying goes, copy catting is the greatest form of flattery or whatever they say. But, right now, I'm just kinda thinking more like, single white female or Austrian or whatever.
Get a life ARNIE!!!

I have 2 cases filled with pogs and stompers.
The pogs I have are from poizon, marvel super heroes, and peanuts(snoopy).
There are appx 250 in all. This is a really nice set gang. I hate to part with these pogs, but need the money (t-shirt, cell charms, and ear cuffs not doing as well as planned).
Reply With Name And Number, serious inquiries only.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Llama Drama
Ah brother.

I know some of my fans were inquiring about Burning Man and stuff, well this just in dudes:
And from our Burning Man bureau, The climax of the annual Burning Man bacchanalia in a Nevada desert was scheduled for Saturday, when the 40,000-plus attendees were to gather around the 40-foot-high man-statue and watch him burn.
"Instead, the effigy went up in flames four days prematurely early Tuesday, and a San Francisco resident faces felony arson and destruction-of-property charges in connection with the crime of burning Burning Man too early .
Police have a suspect in custody, and from the looks of things, he's not all that upset.
"Someone went to a great extent to interfere with everyone else's burn. I think, frankly, an attention whore has made a plea for attention," said a Burning Man volunteer who goes by the name Ranger Sasquatch ."
Aimers Say Relax

Well, you asked for them, and they are here. The new Aimers Say RELAX t-shirts are hot off the presses and ready for back to school shopping. I have female and males sizes from xs to xl. Shirts are a cotton poly blend and are $19.95, shipping is up to you folks as I tried to swing a deal with UPS, but no can do.
Please forward your requests to me here, and I will get them to you on a first come first serve basis. Just remember to act fast as I don't anticipate these will be around too long.
Thanks all.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Pick Up Artist (PUA)

Aimers here ensuring that everyone is benefitting from Mystery, the most amazing, trained, professional pick up artist known to man. If you aren't privvy, get yourself a wingman and get privvy. This ex-magician will surely change your life and get you to where you want to be with all the foxy ladies.
Mystery is credited with coining a number of now-ubiquitous terms and concepts in the seduction community. He has introduced concepts borrowed from Evolutionary Psychology and Theatrical Showmanship, engaging his experience as a Magician. Terms such as "set", "peacocking", and "the 3-second rule" were coined by Mystery. Mystery introduced the concept of the infamous "neg", a backhanded compliment intended to snub a potential mate ("target"), telegraph a lack of interest ("false disqualification"), and encourage the target to prove her worth ("qualify"). This is good stuff people!
By using the Mystery Method, I would imagine you will be sitting by the fire pit in a lodge in Colorado by Christmas with some sweet honey baby.
Act quickly, before the world catches on to this magic.
Letter From the Editor

If you are anything like Aimers you love to read the letter from the editor in fashion magazines or newspapers. It generally shows a picture of the editor. The picture is smart and professional. I tried my own version here, but it is a little hard when taking your own picture with a 2005 version of the Samsung picture phone. At any rate, I wanted to write something prolific here like editors do but am having a hard time coming up with anything. So, I will touch on the fact that we are nearing September. School is about to start and Virgos will be turning one year older. Aimers is a Virgo, so make sure that on September 14, you wish her well, and send gifts. I know shopping can sometimes be hard with all of the school clothes that need to be purchased, so just make sure to budget in any gifts that you would like to send. Other than that, I am loving faux reality shows, go-cart racing, almond croissants and iced coffee, fresh flowers, praying mantises, thrift store shopping and anything with asian flair. I am currently reviewing people from the mid-west to see if it is possible to like them. I am also concerned with alternative fuel and people in general. People seem to becoming increasingly horrid. It could be that I'm grumpy from the muscle, called my heart, that is currently sprained.
Well, that's it for now.
Thank you for reading my blogs and for being so supportive in my endeavors. It's just phenomenal the outpouring of love and fan letters I receive on a daily basis.
Keep it up fans of Aimers.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Oh, I sea.

My eyes were blind, now I can sea. I went on a fishing expedition this wonderful Saturday with Nigel Van Gilder, owner of Nigel's Fish and Tackle out in Freeport. Every Saturday in August he puts together a fishing/diving tour in the beautiful Sacramento River, equipped with live photos, taken by his beautiful wife Sharon Van Gilder (amateur photog). The Van Gilder's live in Fair Oaks and are a very interesting couple who also own horse stables. This is a live action photo that Sharon snapped of me, while I was floating around the Sacramento River. I hope that you enjoy, and wish that all of you were there. Awesome and Amazing.
Anchors away my friends, anchors away.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Queen of Mean?

It's hard to tell from this picture, however, Leona Helmsley was once deemed the "queen of mean". She passed on today. Which gets me thinking, I miss the 80's so much. We lost Merv and Leona this month, some say the trifectta is probably near. I can only hope it won't be another one of our notorious 80's icons.
Leona went from nothin' to somethin' to nothin' again. She was a real bad ass bitch, a motherfuckin' true ass gangster bitch.
I can almost picture her drinking Manhattan's at her country club, and so to that, I say, here's to you sister girl.
Got nothing but love for you baby.
Peace out and R.I.P. I hope they got your funeral right!!
Loves, Aimers
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Flippin' Flops

Can someone let me in on what these flip flop/zorrie stickers are all about? I've been seeing these on mini vans and Honda Elements all over town and I seriously have no clue as to what it means, the only thing that BFF and I could come up with is that it means you are kickin' it. But, why do you need to let everyone know that you are kickin' it? I think I might need a Calvin sticker pissing on some flip flops, do they make those yet? I haven't been to the Roseville auction in a while, so I'm not sure.
Your help and advisement in this situation is greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Jugtown Pirates

WTF? Really, man? So, remember how my week has been right? I've been blogging about it, what with the bad Monday and the stalkarazzi and...well, just all of it...totals bullshit. Then yesterday, I come home and to my surprise these mythical motherfuckers are parked on my street. The Jugtown Pirates of Lake Champlain, in a huge old school bus covered with paint and skulls and slogans like, "choose your own adventure". Seriously. They were gone this morning, but so is my siamese cat, one hubcap, and my walking stick. If any of you bastards see these guys at one of your burning man tents, please inquire about my stuff.
Thanks in advance,
Monday, August 13, 2007

I hate to say it, but I think I've got a case of the Mondays, straight up and straight down.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
The Worst Day, girlfirend.

I hate to get all female comic on you guys, but today is like the worst day ever. Not only did I have to go to the gynocologist for a "PAP", I'm also starting statistics tonight, don't EVEN get me started. I mean, right sisters? Can I get a round of high fives? How bad does that suck? Sometimes it is hard being a responsible business woman slash student. But someone has to do it. Don't EVEN get me started.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Charmed I'm Sure

Since my ear cuff business hasn't done as well as planned, I am now making custom order cell phone charms. Here is one I made for my twin cousin to show you how beautiful they are. All beads are hand blown glass or Swavorski crystal. Prices range depending on your bead/crystal choices. If you are intersted, please drop me a line with your favorite colors and we can begin to discuss style and price within your specifics.
Have a blessed day,
Ms. Simmons

Aimora Bree Simmons
Monday, August 06, 2007
The Andy Warhol Cheesecake Factory
Mental Vacancy

Friday in the life of Aimers, she was referred to as mentally vacant.
Vacant meaning: devoid of thought, reflection, or expression. Does this sound like Aimers? I don't think so. I really don't and if she were, the fact that someone called her mentally vacant certainly wouldn't have made her so upset....right?
Whew, that felt good to get off of my chest, go about your business bitches.
About Coffee and Stuff....

Grouch van Groucherstein
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Buzz off.

After thinking about it more, I determined that I don't ever want to eat at a restaurant that hands you one of those buzzers to tell you your table is ready after a 45 minute wait. Some of these restarants may include but are not limited to:
Tony Romas
Any sort of faux texas style roadhouse steak joint
Mimi's Cafe
I think you catch my drift. What I'm saying is, you don't have to eat at one of these places to determine that you do not like it. The determentation is made obvious by the hordes of overweight white people waiting by the door smoking cigs and the parking lot full of SUV's.
Thanks for listening,
Dub A.
Monday, July 16, 2007
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