Thursday, December 28, 2006
Larry Schmidt

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My New Nails
Persian Cats

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Cape Time
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Vacation Days

Rat Tail

Monday, November 27, 2006
Top Hat

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Red Rocker

Can we take a moment to talk about Sammy Haggar? I mean look at this picture, he's wearing that as an actual outfit. Probably even a Cabo San Lucas party time outfit, you can tell by the iclusion of hot peppers on his converse.
Enough of that, let's get to business...look...I never understood him as a solo artist,he broke up with Montrose to later produce "I can't drive 55". Why? That song nearly made me want to kick in my car stereo every time I heard it, generally while listening to KZAP on my way to work or wherever. And when I heard a Red Rocker Rock Block, this was enough to send one Aims Aimerson over the edge.
Indeed, yes, it made me REAL mad, but then this c*ck sucker goes on to join Van Halen?! Are you kidding me??? This was a HUGE mistake if you ask me. Diamond Dave isn't replaceable, especially not with this geek. If anyone thinks changing from "Ice Cream Man" to "Right Now" is a good idea then you deserve a swift kick in the temple.
And now, did you know Sammy is currently in a new band and they call themselves Sammy Hagar and the Wabos? Apparently Michael Anthony from Van Halen fame even joins in with the Wabos (whom by the way is the one nobody cares about, the fat one!!).
And...what is Sammy's obsession with Cabo Wabo? Why did he have to write a song called 'Mas Tequila'? Why does it always have to be one big Cabo party with Sammy?
I'm so mad right now!!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Best Job Ever

Just a thought. On a Saturday evening full of limousines.
Peace out friends,
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Life of Richard

He's living at an apartment out on Marconi.
Richard is 37 years old and finally left home last year after his grandmother had to go into assisted living.
Richard scrambled for a place to live but luckily found a one bedroom in Chantilly Gardens that he qualified for with a co-signer, his boss James.
Richard takes bus 32 over to the Light Rail station on Watt Avenue every morning.
The problem with Richard taking Light Rail is that he carries a gun for work. His gun is an 8mm.
Richard doesn't like the stares he gets each day riding public transportation so he is in the market for a new vehichle.
Richard would like something he can afford and that is also reliable.
He would like something American made, something like a Ford Taurus or a Chevy Malibu.
Richard qualifies for a $4900 loan. This should get him into a decent vehichle.
The problem is that Richard's best friend died yesterday.
His friend was 18 years old.
His friend picked him, he didn't pick her.
She pounced his neck when he went to meet her.
Richard's best friend was a cat.
I hope Richard gets into a good American made vehichle.
Richard deserves the world.
Keep on Truckin'

Keep on Truckin',
The Office

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Makin' Bacon
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006

P.S. I love flourescent lighting. I will work on going to Home Depot this weekend to outfit my house with the same vibe as here at the office.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Wedding Tennies

Hey gals, Aimers here to tell you about a great website for any of you thinking about getting married. This website has a beautiful collection of wedding tennis shoes. You know how hard it can be on your feet all day in a pair of stillettos? Well, here is the solution. You can dance your wedding night away with absolutley no worries...or sprained ankles.
Thank me later!!
The usage of this acronym would go something like:
" Hey guys, I have to go drop a deuce."
To which this subset of the population would respond:
"uhhhhh, TMI, Aimers!!"
Since my brother pointing TMI out to me, I've seriously heard it in use more than 5 times. This frustrates me. It could potentially stand to replace "awesome" or "you rock" in terms of phrases that annoy me.
Carry on,
J.Crew Fall Collection '05

~Aimers Aimerson
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bad Day :(

Signing out,
Monday, November 06, 2006
Brace Face
Mad for Mad

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Also, Coach of the Year

Well, that's it for now. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I know I did.
Signing off,
Thursday, November 02, 2006

This picture isn't of Avalon but rather a picture of a dog I found online that took on a wild boar piglet as its surrogate. Weird.
Mean Muggin'
Man Down

Last night as I drove home there was a lot of traffic. As I approached my turn onto Muir Street at dusk there was a truck stopped with a man down at the front end of the truck and another man waving his hands for help. Many people were on cell phones calling what I think must've been 911. It was creepy. I picked Gio up and we came back around and there was a fire truck and an ambulance. Gio said it was a good thing this happened in front of the fire station and the cemetery. I agree. I hope he wasn't really hit by a car but maybe just taking a nap.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Coach of the Year
Business Casual

It hadn't occurred to me until Jessica mentioned it. She said that in the last year or so I dress business casual at all times, like even when I go out for a night on the town. I didn't believe it at first, but then I realized what I had on today, and she's right. I'm totally biz-cas. I'll be damned.
Technical Difficulties
The wheels are really spinning in my head and I've lots to write about, however, it seems I am having some technical difficulties in getting my pictures to post. Are any of you out there having the same problems today in blogland :)?
Anyhoo, just didn't want any of you to think that I wasn't on top of things and wasn't going to post more today.
Thank you for your understanding.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Props to Ops
Baby You're a Star

You might not be able to tell but this is Star Jones Reynolds. She's lost a lot of weight since this picture was taken and she has also quit working for the syndicated TV series the View because she was having a hard time getting along with Barbara Walters, but that's all walters, I mean water under the bridge now. What Aimers realized today is that SJR looks just like a tortuga and so does Nicole Richie. Nicole Richie is the bullemic daughter of Lionel Richie but Lionel looks like a lion...I wonder if that's why his name is Lionel? Hmmm, Lionel kind of sounds like lion, well, at any rate, Star has her own website that's worth checking out. www.starjones.com You can thank me later if we become IM friends and tell me about how much you loved the website. I like the guestbook most and her dog is really, really cute. People can be so kind.
Have a blessed day,