Can we take a moment to talk about Sammy Haggar? I mean look at this picture, he's wearing that as an actual outfit. Probably even a Cabo San Lucas party time outfit, you can tell by the iclusion of hot peppers on his converse.
Enough of that, let's get to business...look...I never understood him as a solo artist,he broke up with Montrose to later produce "I can't drive 55". Why? That song nearly made me want to kick in my car stereo every time I heard it, generally while listening to KZAP on my way to work or wherever. And when I heard a Red Rocker Rock Block, this was enough to send one Aims Aimerson over the edge.
Indeed, yes, it made me REAL mad, but then this c*ck sucker goes on to join Van Halen?! Are you kidding me??? This was a HUGE mistake if you ask me. Diamond Dave isn't replaceable, especially not with this geek. If anyone thinks changing from "Ice Cream Man" to "Right Now" is a good idea then you deserve a swift kick in the temple.
And now, did you know Sammy is currently in a new band and they call themselves Sammy Hagar and the Wabos? Apparently Michael Anthony from Van Halen fame even joins in with the Wabos (whom by the way is the one nobody cares about, the fat one!!).
And...what is Sammy's obsession with Cabo Wabo? Why did he have to write a song called 'Mas Tequila'? Why does it always have to be one big Cabo party with Sammy?
I'm so mad right now!!
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