Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Props to Ops

Oposums are nocturnal. That means tonight as you make your way tricking and treating about town, you might want to keep an eye out for any opossums that may be lurking about.

Thanks in advance.


The Life of Aimers said...

Wow, that's a fascinating story wetnap. I've always felt that maybe I might be an opossum. For, I love to stay up late and many times my eyes are pinkish. However, I don't have a tail and therefore am unable to wrap it around any tree limbs. Oh, and I'm not a marcupile...this could be an incorrect spelling, I don't think I'm going to worry about spelling on my blog...hope that's ok. Have a great November 1st. Aimers

The Life of Aimers said...

Wow, like the opossum actually took out a cigarette and began smoking? Now that's one for the record books. One time Jason Dancer was accosted by a racoon on his New Year's Eve jog home, he said it hissed at him.