I said a two day bender people, on top of whooping cough, things were hazy, I couldn't quite figure out what was going on. All I wanted was a movie, anything, something funny, something sad...didn't matter.
I enter that dang Blockbuster and to my disgust, they are staging a Rock Wars; Battle of the Bands type of thing, with Guitar Hero.
These are grown men on fake guitars battling one another at a Blockbuster in a strip mall. "Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith was !BLASTING! What in the hell is happening these days? Honestly, is everything losing its mind? Can this be turned around?
I don't like people thinking they can so freely do whatever they want and walk around being so openly nerdy.
I'm disgsuted,
That's what you get for renting movies at Blockbuster. Who the fuck still rents movies there? You apparently. If you don't use Netflix or On Demand, why bother? No, seriously. Why bother?
Brick and Mortar BEBE!!
This could've all been avoided had you taken up my "free one month" offer. You have no one to blame but yourself.
do you really want to know how any of this can be avoided? AWESOME VIDEO on freeport, bitches.
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